August 15th, “The Supreme Court Of Your Mind”

“This can be swiftly taught in very few words: virtue is the only good; there is no certain good without virtue; and virtue resides in our nobler part, which is the rational one. And what can this virtue be? True and steadfast judgment. For from this will arise every mental impulse, and by it every appearance that spurs our impulses will be rendered clear.”


Imagine your mind is like a big, important courtroom, and Seneca, wanted to share a message with you. He said that being a good person, which he called “virtue,” is the most precious thing in this courtroom. It’s like being kind, honest, and making wise choices.

Seneca believed that without this virtue, your courtroom of thoughts and feelings wouldn’t work well. He thought that being good lives in the smart and thinking part of your mind, which he called “rational.” It’s like the judge in the courtroom.

Now Seneca thought that having good judgment and making smart decisions is like having the best judge ever. When you make good choices, it’s like solving a mystery and everything becomes clear in your mind’s courtroom.

Seneca wrote all this because he wanted you to know that being a good person is important. He wanted you to understand that true happiness comes from being good and making thoughtful choices. It’s like having a powerful key to unlock a happy and meaningful life in the Supreme Court of Your Mind.

Published by Athena

A change agent (PMP certified project manager) who to help organisations achieve positive results and be more eco friendly. In my free time, I like to explore new places on a bike, learning about psychology (more than electrical and electronics engineering) and experimental planting. Everyday is a gift.

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