August 16th, “Anything Can Be An Advantage”

“Just as the nature of rational things has given to each person their rational powers, so it also gives us this power—just as nature turns to its own purpose any obstacle or any opposition, sets its place in the destined order, and co-opts it, so every rational person can convert any obstacle into the raw material for their own purpose.”


Think about it like this: Just as each of us has special abilities, like being good at math or art, nature also gives us another special power. It’s like when you have a problem or something that gets in your way, nature helps you use it in a clever way, like turning a puzzle piece around until it fits just right. So, when something seems difficult, you can use your special power to turn it into something useful for yourself. Just like a superhero who can turn obstacles into tools to save the day!

Published by Athena

A change agent (PMP certified project manager) who to help organisations achieve positive results and be more eco friendly. In my free time, I like to explore new places on a bike, learning about psychology (more than electrical and electronics engineering) and experimental planting. Everyday is a gift.

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