Learning from a Horse: Taking Control of Our Busy Lives

Once upon a time, there was a story about a man who was riding a horse really fast. His friend yelled from the side of the road, “Where are you going?” The man turned around and said, “I don’t know, ask the horse!”

It turns out that the horse, not the man, was the one in charge. The horse was taking him wherever it wanted to go. This happens to many of us too. Imagine if our responsibilities were like the horse, and we had no control to slow down.

I met a friend who told me he was super busy even on a Sunday. He explained they didn’t have a choice because if they stopped working, they might lose their jobs. I asked him if he ever tried yoga or meditation, but he said no. It seemed like his work and his team didn’t have time for that.

You might be wondering, “What’s so special about this story?” Well, dear reader, this tale holds a hidden treasure of wisdom. Just like the man on the horse, we sometimes let the busyness of life take over, and we forget to steer our own ship. We get so caught up in our tasks, homework, and activities that we forget we have the power to guide our own journey

.Imagine if you had a magical compass inside you – a compass that helps you slow down and make choices that feel right. Just like the rider should have been in charge of the horse, you can be in charge of your own life. Even when things feel overwhelming or fast-paced, you have the ability to pause, take a deep breath, and choose your path.Life can be like a wild adventure, filled with twists and turns. But guess what? You’re the captain of your ship, the rider of your horse. You can decide where you want to go and how you want to get there. You have the incredible power to turn obstacles into opportunities, just like a magician turning a problem into a solution.So, dear young adventurers, remember this: In the grand story of life, you hold the pen. You have the power to write your own chapters, to create your own adventures. Take a lesson from the horse and become the rider of your destiny. Embrace each moment, make choices that light up your heart, and remember that you have the strength to take control of your own amazing journey.Now, as you go about your day, think about the horse and the rider. Imagine them as symbols of your own life, reminding you to slow down, breathe, and take the reins. You are the hero of your story, and the path you choose is waiting to be explored.

In a book about the art of Power, they suggest some cool things to do:

  • Taking a walk in the forest, on the beach, or in a park
  • Going on a weekend trip to the mountains and enjoying walks and hikes
  • Visiting a factory, even if it has nothing to do with your job
  • Trying horseback riding
  • Watching whales or going on a boat ride
  • Surfing on waves
  • Walking with special shoes on snowy paths or skiing in the snow
  • Riding bicycles on quiet streets
  • Playing fun games like table tennis, bowling, or pool
  • Exploring a museum and learning new things
  • Having a picnic in a beautiful park
  • Going to a place where nature is protected, like a nature reserve or botanical garden

Just like the horse, sometimes we need to slow down and take control of where we’re going. It’s important to have time to relax, smile, and enjoy life, even when things are busy. So, remember, you can be the rider who guides the horse of your life!

Published by Athena

A change agent (PMP certified project manager) who to help organisations achieve positive results and be more eco friendly. In my free time, I like to explore new places on a bike, learning about psychology (more than electrical and electronics engineering) and experimental planting. Everyday is a gift.

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