The eastern stoic: Inamori Kazuo “Profiting for the Benefit of Others – Rita in the Management Philosophy and Praxis of Inamori Kazuo”

A write-up from the BBB-Conference, held on October 12-14th, 2016 at the University of Copenhagen. “Profiting for the Benefit of Others – Rita in the Management Philosophy and Praxis of Inamori Kazuo” – by Maciej Kanert (Friday, October 14) At the last session of the last day of the BBB Conference, Trine Brox, Associate Professor […]

WU: Maciej Kanert: “Profiting for the Benefit of Others – Rita in the Management Philosophy and Praxis of Inamori Kazuo”

Published by Athena

A change agent (PMP certified project manager) who to help organisations achieve positive results and be more eco friendly. In my free time, I like to explore new places on a bike, learning about psychology (more than electrical and electronics engineering) and experimental planting. Everyday is a gift.

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